Thursday, October 4, 2007


I'm not done with my bag yet! I completely forgot my pal wants the bag to close and not be open and sloppy. (I'm with her on that one.) But I forgot!!! I checked JoAnn's tonight and they didn't have a magnetic snap closure or so said the airhead at the cutting table.

I can picture a toggle button if I cut a slit in one of the sides. Would that work?

I know a snap would fit the function, but sometimes they can be too hard to open, thus more of a pain in the rear.

Suggestions? Help :(


Dorothy said...

I have no help, but it's great that you're trying so hard to fit what your pal wants.

Re: My mittens - I'm using Patons Wool.

Have a great day!

Peggy said...

Hey UR,
I have used a button, a snap and even a zipper on various felted bags. They turned out ok, but I gave them all to Krystina.